4-5 October 2024
9:00 – 17:00
by Powerful-Heart in Capistrangasse 3, Vienna

Are you willing to intentionally move forward in your self-leadership and embody your greatest essence?

“Women at the crossroads” is specifically designed for making the move that is necessary for you in this moment of your life to live your greatest essence. 

The 2 workshops are answering 2 complementary needs:

  • finding your way forward in your call to the world; 
  • supporting other women in your field in finding their way forward. 

Choose the one(s) workshop that suits you based on your current situation.

4th October – finding my way forward in my call to the world

Are you feeling stuck, uninspired or just simply too monotonous with your current work?

This one day workshop is dedicated to sitting with your gifts and offering to the world. Through hearing your deep calling in your heart, being mirrored back via some intentional exercises and other peers that are in search of their next step, we invite you to dedicate a day for your precious self and to find your next elegant steps.

Is this for me?

This workshop is for all women who are in transition of their work, their service to the world, willing to go deeper to find their own treasures and leave the day with clarified next steps.

Let you feel the call in your heart and come and join us!

Our inspirations  

The day is inspired by the Theory U process, Social Presencing Theater, Mindfulness practices and powered by pure essential oils to accompany the process of transformation and to make it sustainable.

5th October – tools for supporting one’s way forward

Are you searching for effective tools to support change processes, either for yourself or for the women you are working with?

This one day workshop is dedicated to a deep dive into the chemistry and frequency of pure essential oils and their power in supporting change processes.

Is this for me?

This workshop is for all women who are supporting other women in transition, willing to learn how essential oils can support going deeper in finding their own treasures with enhanced clarity.

Let you feel the call in your heart and come and join us!

Our inspirations  

The day is grounded in ancient wisdom – nature was and is the first remedy for healing the soul, the body and the mind – and the most recent epigenetic research about the functioning of essential oils, pure nature in a bottle.


By Powerful-Heart in Capistrangasse 3, close to Museum Quartier in Vienna.

What’s available for you at the workshops – Resources

Handbook “WOMEN RISE – A journey into womanhood, nature and well-being” in English and German – included in your donation.

Essential oils to support your process and learning at the workshop – included in your donation

If you wish to have the oils with you for future use, there are 2 possibilities:

  • Basic kit of the essential oils used in the workshop, in 2 ml bottles – Euros 40 – to be preordered and paid for and taken at the workshop – link HERE
  • The kit of the essential oils used in the workshop, in 15ml bottles – Euros 213.50 – to be preordered and delivered to your address – link HERE


We adopt the principle of “pay it forward” that implies that you are donating an amount to ensure that these workshops can be offered again in the future to other women. Your registration is confirmed upon donations as space is limited to 15 participants per day.

Your donation should be addressed to alp, either via Paypal – or bank transfer to alp IBAN AT712011129713820900. Please send a copy of the receipt for confirmation to

Maximum number of persons: 15 persons/day




Paola believes in the regenerative power of nature and is passionate about “being human”, well-being, self-care and leadership. She is an Essential Emotions Coach, Mindful Self-Compassion certified teacher  and Mindful Compassionate Parenting certified teacher and trainer.

Paola works with women already for decade and combine her passione and expertise in pure essential oils and mindfulness to create a special alchemy to invite women to step into their power. Paola is the lead mind behind the project Women RISE.



Melinda VARFI

Melinda believes in the power of communities and is passionate about communities grow to contribute towards a sustainable society. She is a Holotropic Breathwork® and Art of Hosting facilitator.

The closest topic to her heart is sustainability – both on a personal, collective and cosmological level. She enjoys meaningful conversations that enable us to recognize our own true power to make steps towards a more sustainable world.


This event is part of the project “Women RISE”, co-financed by the Erasmus + programme of the  European Union.

More questions

Simply connect with Paola Bortini, coordinator of this project, either by email or phone +436803141651

Make here your reservation – we need just few information about you



…  willing to move forward in their self-leadership in this specific moment of their life. In an authentic way, starting from our individual dreams, we move into exploring with courage and curiosity the questions that can support or block self-development.

…  connecting with our hearts, gently inviting them to whisper the answers to the questions of the mind, because our hearts know that a more beautiful world for us is possible. Come as you are.

… supported by the power of pure essential oils to facilitate inner alignment and find renewed strength for the path ahead.

Is this for me?

  • If you identify yourself in a woman in a transition phase – whatever it may be
  • if you would like to get the best out of your life, without thinking that it is too late or that it is already happening
  • If you wish to network with like-minded women for inspiration and support
  • if you like to encounter yourself through the encounter of other women
  • if you want to learn about personal transformation in an informal setting
  • if you are ready to experience how the alignment of your mind, heart and gut looks like

Then this invitation is exactly for YOU ❣️