
When we talk about wholeness as part of the authentic self, we are talking about operating from both the intellectual and the intuitive part of ourselves. This means that wholeness is about incorporating all aspects of us (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) to be more in balance both with ourselves, our communities and the whole world.  It is about becoming more aware of and trusting our senses and intuition through tools such as mindfulness, journaling, sensing journey and spending time in nature.  

Wholeness is also about looking from the ego to the eco-system – the inclusive side of leadership. How can I make positive changes that will have an effect on the whole system. We recognise that we are part of the globalised world and that our behaviour has an effect on both ourselves and others. When acting or making decisions we try to see the whole (world) and then narrow the field and take from this wide point of view what is important for me in this moment to make the right choice or decision based on what is good both for me, the people around me and the planet Earth. 

Scharmer describes this “principle of whole implies that, because all humans are connected, what happens to other people also happens to oneself”. While we are acting, we try to be conscious that other peoples’ realities are happening at the same time and we are using the intuitive intelligence to have a higher awareness of this.

Going through a Theory U process includes discovering the common intent, sensing and observing through connecting with people and places, proceeding to a place of silence and allowing the inner knowledge to emerge allows participants to experience different aspects of wholeness as described above.