KA1 – requalification of alp members
Events attended for the re-qualification of alp members through the KA1 accreditation of the Erasmus+ funding of the European Union.
Women RISE
In a world where women are undervalued in their leadership potential, Women Rise calls for spaces to regenerate and find new motivation to follow the deeper intention that is hidden in their hearts.
Bodywise – wise bodies
Bodywise – wise bodies In our diverse world, where not everybody speaks the language of the country, where they are living in well, being able to read the signs of our body can support us in creating connections. A simple example: When we enter a room, we can immediately feel the atmosphere – if it
iMOtion – informal moments in adult education
iMOtion – informal moments in adult education Covid-19 was putting the world up-side-down für the whole training market. We all – as trainers and educators – had a big learning curve in creating online trainings, as many of our courses and seminars were transferred to online. Through the discussions about our experiences in these online
Scribble Marathon for diverse pictures As adult educators we are often trapped in the situation that we try to find stock images that do not fully fit the diverse world, we are living in. If we only find and use pictures of men in leadership positions, if all people are slim, if every person has
Practices on Emotional intelligence
Emotional Intelligence and more LOL – Learning Operating Lab is an Erasmus+ Project, where 5 partners gathered to exchange good practices around emotions and emotional intelligence. All 5 partner organisations are active in the fields of coaching, training and / or research. The following organisations (apart from alp) participate in the Erasmus+ project Skills
WOTICS – Integration of people with Asperger
There is a serious exclusion in the workplace towards people who have a disability, such as Asperger. However people with Apserger disorder have intellectual capacities that can highly contribute to society though work placements, specializing in tasks that fit their profile, and in which they stand out for their qualities such as meticulousness, focus on
VisEUalisation – explore how to create videos
visEUalisation – check out our elearning platform, where you can explore how to create videos A picture is worth a 1.000 words is a very common saying. If we follow this further – then a video is probably worth 10.000 words. In this sense we developed the Erasmus+ project “visEUalisation” to learn to create innovative
SPACE Street Participation for Active Citizenship in Europe 2 years project in the streets of Europe The 2013 Eurobarometer (European’s Engagement in Participatory Democracy) was highlighting the need to strengthen active citizenship in Europe. Our democracy model based on representation is in a moment of crisis and most European citizens do not trust the political
Connect Emotional Intelligence with Leadership
ConnEQt – Connecting Emotional Intelligence to Leadership Development What are emotions and how they link with our intelligences? How can we create special moments to resource ourselves and our energies as well as develop special daily routines that nurture our emotional intelligence? How can chemistry make our 3 brains communicating amongst themselves and how can
Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive Leadership – a new attitude towards reinforcing and developing members of disadvantaged groups “In Inclusive Leadership you don’t see yourself as ‘centre of the universe’. It’s rather about adopting an open attitude. It’s about supporting a communication that gives others space, allowing them to say everything and collecting their ideas”, describes Christine Weissenberg her
LIND Leadership Intelligence Diversity
LIND Leadership – Intelligence – Diversity December 2014 – November 2016 Project Code: 2014-1-AT01-KA204-000938 The project was a partnership with the Physical Education Department of the University of Malta, Kamaleonte from Italy (Educational organisation working with outdoor and experiental learning methods) and Eolas Soileir from Ireland (a charity working and training vulnerable adults in society).
Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences in Leadership Development (MILD) The focus of this 2-year project was to EXPLORE the multiple intelligences through experiences/activities for adults DISCOVER my strengths in my Leadership UNDERSTAND the impact of my multiple intelligences in my leadership IDENTIFY Leadership competences to develop CHOOSE the most suitable ways for me to develop them Through a