Our Partners
Cooperating beyond borders is an important element for development and learning. Diverse realities and approaches allow for more than one perspective on common challenges and support everybody in finding creative and innovative solutions for the future.
Find here some of our partners with whom alp is cooperating and cooperated in the last years and with whom alp is sharing similar values and working attitudes. Please click on the logo, if you want to know more about our partners.
School for Leaders Foundation
School for Leaders Foundation has been supporting leaders of the public life for the past 24 years in Poland. We believe that people who possess leadership skills have the power to inspire others and that they are the driving force towards meaningful changes. Plurality, respect for diversity and appreciation of democracy lie at the very foundation of School of Leaders. Our programs’ leaders together form the entire social spectrum in terms of age, gender, profession in the public life and their political and ideological background.
UC SYD, University College South Denmark offers a wide range of higher education study programmes and courses at all levels, with an emphasis on first-cycle bachelor degrees in the field of Educational Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Communication Sciences. Geographically, UC SYD, University College South Denmark covers Southern Jutland and has more than 6,500 students and 700 members of staff.
As a University College they aim to provide students with an education that mixes theory with the practical application of what is being taught. UC SYD also produces research on a wide range of topics, and participate in several national and international projects.
LIMINA supports people and organisations to learn in and from phases of transition. We design learning spaces and experiences to allow for new perspectives, pathways and opportunities to act. LIMINA is based in Austria and works cross-borders.
L’Ydille Lang
L’Ydille Lang is a space for training and experiencing intercultural, personal and sustainable development.
Living life as a Whole: self improvement, dealing with emotions, consciousness, mindfulness, protecting nature, promoting tolerance and justice.
Aspali works with people diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and their families, providing coverage for the different needs that arise throughout their lives. It is intended to promote autonomy, integration, incorporation into the labor market, social inclusion, the knowledge of society about this disorder and the prevention of conflicts arising from the characteristics presented by people with Asperger’s Syndrome.
The Association is not for profit and its porpuses are educational, cultural and social, with the aim of promoting human dignity and the full integration of people with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Cultural Association of Applied Psychology active in the fields of international conferences and european projects. The focus of IIAPHS is to produce free courses of applied psychology and promoting the value of applied psychology in several fields of intervention.
Euroaccion is a non-governmental, independent organisation for the support of youth and adult learning, professional and personal development of people with fewer opportunities. We promote experiential learning, volunteering service and social inclusion projects.
Our mission is to foster social change by inspiring and stimulating human potential through a Humanistic and holistic approach, combining Gestalt in theatre, body expression and working with Arts and Music.
INDEPCIE (Institute for the personal development, entrepreneurship, coaching and Emotional Intelligence) is a training company founded in 2018 focused in the attitudinal training and the improvement of human performance. We work with our clients with the aim of increasing their results both in personal or professional areas, developing techniques and strategies in the areas of coaching, Emotional Intelligence and soft skills.
INDEPCIE trains persons in the framework of their companies, so both the individuals and their organizations acquire skills and habits leading to a continuous improvement. We use the most advanced techniques in teaching and training to develop and achieve this ambitious goal as experts in team management, sales training, emotional management and motivation.
Psihoforworld was established in April 2016 as a continuation of the “David Anca Individual Psychology” Cabinet set up in 2012. Legal change was made by expanding the psychological services of our company.
Our main activity is addressed to people with disabilities within the local community, so that – according to case studies – we have developed the following therapeutic programs:
* children with disabilities (autism, mental retardation, Down syndrome and other conditions) have been included in therapeutic recovery programs; in the process of recovery of deficient children we use effective and personalized methods according to case-law (ABA / PECS / Montessori technique) and speech therapy therapy software;
* for young people with disabilities who have difficulty in social integration, we have developed partnerships with schools that offer educational services to young people without disabilities; through the specificities of the activities we implement (sports activities / playful activities / theater and art therapy) we contribute to the development of friendship / communication and cooperation relations between young people with disabilities and young people without deficiencies; we mention that we currently have 250 young volunteers who contribute to the process of social integration of children / young people with disabilities;
* to help raise self-esteem and self-image of parents with children / young people with disabilities, we regularly organize group counseling sessions; we also encourage collaborative relationships between them and institutions / NGOs that offer social services; for guidance and legal counseling we have concluded 2 volunteer contracts with specialists in the field.
The main purpose of our work is to contribute to the social integration of people with disabilities and people with social adaptation difficulties.
As our company profile is in the field of psychology, we currently have 30 volunteers (psychologists and counselors) who contribute to therapeutic activities, so we can provide free psychological services to people in need
Psychologists involved in rehabilitation activities develop different therapies, depending on the needs of each individual: therapy of language / psychodiagnosis / psychological counseling / sensory stimulation using Montessori technique / specific therapies for the recovery of children with autism (PECS and ABA).
We also develop cooperation and communication activities between young people with special educational needs and young people without disabilities. We have social integration activities for people in need. The specific activities of our company are aimed at combating social marginalization, increasing self-esteem and self-image of people with disabilities and their families, in order to increase the degree of social integration within the community.
Our company also develops and highlights the importance of positive thinking, so people with integrative problems generated by the disability they face, are supported to overcome certain difficult moments in their lives.
2Kroner is a private training and consulting service provider within the fields of Diversity, Intercultural Communication, Project Development & Management as well as (EU) Fundraising in Germany. 2Kroner offers bespoke services for both the private and the public sector as well as for NGOs. 2Kroner is dedicated to the concept of lifelong learning and aims to enhance and promote equal opportunities and measures of empowerment for people from all paths of life, who are disadvantaged by structural discrimination.
Kamaleonte, Italy
Kamaleonte is a training organization that promotes the personal and professional growth and well being of youth, adults and educators through sport and outdoor experiential learning activities and reflective practices at a local, national and international level. They are based in Italy.
The Asociacion de Investigacion de la Industria del Juguete (AIJU) is a private not-for-profit organization. AIJU was inaugurated in 1985 and currently has near 500 associated companies and a team of more than 100 experts. AIJU has agreements with chambers of commerce and helps entrepreneurs and companies to design their development plans. AIJU’s staff is a multidisciplinary team that allows covering projects from technological and social topics: Psychologists, Sociologists, Educators, Economists, Designers, Market Analysts, IT programmers, Engineers.
AIJU is a technological centre that has computer rooms with state-of-the-art computers for conducting ICT courses. During a year, AIJU develops about 250 training activities, with around 2000 participants with more than 8000 teaching hours. AIJU is accredited by the regional government to give professional training courses.
Skill Up srl
Skill Up works on the development of innovative, inclusive methods and tools for training, with special attention to inclusion of women and persons with fewer opportunities.
We are consultants on skill mapping and training needs analysis using inclusive processes, focusing on Soft Skills, Emotional Intelligence and organizational well-being.
Skill Up is based in Rome, but our consultants operate all over Italy.
Eolas Soileir
Eolas Soileir is an NGO based in Ireland. They promote non-formal learning & volunteering. They work with and support partner organisations throughout Europe in researching, developing, delivering, monitoring and evaluating, quality non-formal education programmes. The training programmes and activities are based on a life long learning approach. They are committed to quality learning experiences for young people, adult learners, youth workers and early school leavers amongst others. All trainings are structured to accommodate the learning styles and requirements of their participants using non-formal methodologies.