Agile Leadership

22 – 26 July 2024 in Italy, organised by Metaforum SommerCamp GmbH.

Overview of the training

The course was about how leadership can be rethought and lived responsibly in times of disruptive changes such as AI, digitization and biohacking. It was was about how to create an agile management culture and what tools associated can support you in an agile leadership approach.

Competences acquired

As result of the participation in this training experience, Irene Rojnik gained the following competences:

  • knowledge about agile Leadership and its principles
  • understand what are the difference to other leadership-models
  • learned about the following tools: MDI-Surfer-Model, Business Model Canva, Design-Thinking, OKR, Motivation 3.0, Scrum, Cynefin
  • deepened the personal leadership-skills
  • knowledge about the Yin/Yan communication-techniques
  • widened my communication skills
  • extended my knowledge about AI in trainings
  • gained knowledge about the reality in LS in other countries