
Emotional Intelligence and well-being

Vienna (Austria), 21 – 25 July 2025 (in English)
Graz ( Austria), 4 – 8 August 2025 (in English)

Everything we do starts with our mind, including our emotions. The world in us and around us moves at a very high speed. Change and disruption are so frequent they’ve become the new normal. Often, we experience ambiguity and a feeling of being powerless and uncertain – and frequently with a headache. Our responses to such situations are driven by old practices and habits that proved to be effective and valid until now … but the speed of change we are witnessing is new and it requires new approaches for dealing with the stress resulting from it in order to avoid burn-out.

This course is an opportunity to develop bringing awareness to our experience moment by moment and it will offer the chance to take time out from the busyness of life and reconnect with oneself and the natural world around us.

The course invites to explore and experience:

  • how to prepare for frequent and abrupt change with attitudes, practices and inner readiness to efficiently and peacefully navigate the daily routine, the stress and the unexpected situations,
  • how to integrate simple and effective practices in the workplace, to become more resilient and feeling well for yourself, your colleagues and the work to be done,
  • how to combine old wisdom and new research for triggering sustainable well-being and accessing the natural healing energies within us
  • how to use emotional intelligence to respond to difficult situations and conflicts with a more open mind and move forward with clearer focus.

Underlying theories and practices

The course has been inspired by the work of Howard Gardner, Daniel Goleman, Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn, Dan Siegel, Rebecca Hintze, Brené Brown and the results and methods practiced in the Bodywise – wise bodies project.

Approach for the emotional Intelligence and well-being course

The course is based on the methodological approach of experiential learning to go deeper into ways to support the emotional intelligence allowing a deeper reflection, sharing of impact of the practices and appreciation of the experience. A series of theoretical studies and research’s results on the impact of mindfulness meditation will be shared and used as evidence to complement the individual experience.

The course is open to everybody, and previous practice of meditation or mindfulness is not required.

The course will include various methods to relax the body and mind. Releasing stress to create an inviting learning environment that supports attention, participation, learning and well-being, experiencing methods and tools to transfer into your daily life is a main learning goal.

The course will be provided in English. Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of English. In case of need, some partial translation into German, Spanish or Italian can be provided. Documentation will be in English.

Your contribution

Seminar fees for the 5 day seminar are 590 Euros per person, including tuition material.

Super-early bird-fee – 2 months before the start of the training: € 490,- / person (It means we have received your application form filled in with alp)

Bring a friend or colleague: If there are 2 or more participants we can offer a  reduction. Please contact us individually.

The course is eligible for KA1 mobility of learners (School, Vocational Training and Adult Education), in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Frame: We accept 12 participants for each training.

This seminar is offered by Julia Braunegg. Please send an e-mail, if you would like to apply to julia@alp-network.org.


Thank you!!!! each one of you helped me in so many ways!!!!.

Maria, youth worker, 2018

The training was well balanced and I really enjoyed the creative approach.

Evelina, trainer, 2018