ConnEQt – Connecting Emotional Intelligence to Leadership Development

What are emotions and how they link with our intelligences?
How can we create special moments to resource ourselves and our energies as well as develop special daily routines that nurture our emotional intelligence?
How can chemistry make our 3 brains communicating amongst themselves and how can we influence this rich communication process to benefit our leadership?


These and many more questions were explored in theory and practice in a 22 months projects under the coordination of the University College SudDenmark together with Kamaleonte (Italy) and Euroaccion (Spain). We put together our best knowledge, the wish to explore and the practices that we have already experienced for creating unique formats for leaders: a residential course supported by coaching embedded in an international blended learning activity of 8 weeks; short introductory courses aiming at awareness raising and at providing the basis for you to decide to invest in your emotional intelligence.


You can go deeper into what we have created:


For more information, connect with us

This project has been funded with the contract number 2017-1-DK01-KA204-034278

Extract of the final evaluation of the Erasmus+ Danish National Agency about the accomplishment of the connEQt project.

“Connecting Emotional Intelligence to Leadership Development is both a catchy heading and a promising title of an interesting project carried out between a network of four partners who have been able to complement and inspire each other to produce a curriculum with blended learning and where there is a residential part in a nature setting.

The project is relevant in that it deals with an increasing problem and a challenge in leadership development, the lack of time, stress and taking into account the busy time for leaders. It is also interesting how the project has mix the actual on site learning with online learning and how a topic like Emotional Intelligence has been handled through remote and virtual learning media.

The learners in the 12 week long course were people in leadership positions from four different countries with different approaches to developing the emotional intelligence as a key factor for their personal, organizational, and social well-being. And where the use of essential oils could play a part in promoting well-being. The participating organisations and the persons who participated in the test course have benefitted tremendously and they have in each their own organisations made use of the project results and incorporated them in their leaderships programmes.

Out of the three IOs that have been produced, the first two traditional publications are of relatively high quality.  The documentation of the curriculum and the supplementary publications are excellent and inspirational reading and give a quick overview of the history of leadership theories in general and of emotional intelligence in particular.

The mentioning of how oil can influence our senses and contribute to our well-being and thus improve our leadership qualities is intriguing.

It is positive that selected results from the project are continued in another European projects.

The partnership has decided not to have a project website because they consider more efficient and accessible the websites of the partners – beside the I-book. Partners’ websites already have an audience. It seems sensible not to have spent time and resources on building a new website for the project’s results, but to disseminate via existing channels, especially on the ALP website the project is highlighted.”