Skills and practices for authentic communication

Vienna (Austria), 30 June – 4 of July 2025

The quote “We cannot not communicate” well sums up the essence of human relations, either in private or professional contexts and environments. However often we find ourselves trapped in communication uneasiness, looking for the right word or gesture, adequate to the moment. This seminar connects you with you inner, authentic communication with the intention to find the communication resources within and around ourselves.

In detail you will

  • define authentic communication in personal and professional setting
  • development self-awareness and explore in activities your own thoughts, feelings, values
  • discuss assertiveness and how you can communicate assertively
  • talk about emotional intelligence and learn how to manage your emotions to enhance communication
  • explore how to listen and converse with your head, heart and body
  • participate in a council where you learn about the magic of speaking out of the moment
  • learn about key communication concepts based on the Global Competences research and Theory U
  • learn about the 4 ears of communication of Schulz von Thun
  • take part in different exercises, which connect your with your body and your inner voice
  • experience new practices for authentic communication and how this builds trust and self-esteem
  • exchange ways of communicating as a leader with other professionals from different cultural background(s)
  • return home with communication practices for implementation in your personal  professional life


Underlying theories and practices:

  • Theory U of Otto Scharmer, Sloan School of Management, MIT Boston and
  • Awareness based practices: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
  • 4-sides-model of communication of Schulz von Thun
  • Global Competence, Project Zero Research Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Education



We work with small group of a maximum of 12 participants.

The course explores communication in all aspects with a special focus on authentic communication and how it can be used in your personal and professional life. Through new knowledge and active learning methods you benefit from new experiences and ideas on how to face communication challenges in your professional (and personal) environment(s). The course consists of a mix of short theoretical inputs, concrete practices, group discussions and solo reflection moments.


Your contribution

Seminar fees for the 5 day seminar are 590 Euros per person, including training, tuition material and coffee-breaks.

Super-early bird-fee – 2 months before the start of the training: € 490,- / person (We need to have the application form filled in with alp)

If there are 2 or more participants  we can offer a  reduction. Please contact us individually.

The course is eligible for KA1 mobility of learners (School, Vocational Training and Adult Education), in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

This seminar is offered by Irene Rojnik. Please send an e-mail, if you would like to apply to